Edition A showing the Standard Orthographic Coordinate grid. |a Includes bibliographical references (page 90). Orthographic Atlas of the Moon - Supplement Number One to the Photographic Lunar Atlas. |a Ideal for astronomers worldwide, the fourth edition of this classic atlas features new Moon maps, new data and enhanced charts. |a Distribution of planetary nebulaDistribution of galaxies EXOPLANETS SOURCES AND REFERENCES Catalogues Atlases. |a Cover The Cambridge Star Atlas Title Copyright CONTENTS PREFACE THE MOON Observing the Moon Different orientations of the Moon SEASONAL SKY MAPS Choosing the right map THE MESSIER OBJECTS STAR CHARTS Stars Magnitudes Stars names Constellations Variable stars Double stars Open and globular clusters Diffuse and planetary nebulae Galaxies The Galactic Equator The ecliptic The Moon and the planets Abbreviations used in the star chart tables ALL-SKY MAPS The constellations Distribution of open clusters Distribution of globular clusters Distribution of diffuse nebulae. Ideal for astronomers worldwide, the fourth edition of this classic atlas features new Moon maps, new data and enhanced charts.

Includes bibliographical references (page 90). Northern Hemisphere - Charts, diagrams, etc. Southern Hemisphere - Charts, diagrams, etc. Saved in: Bibliographic Details Author / Creator:Ĭambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2011.