Once that's done, talk to Jahan Hawkwing to get A bundle of hides. When you arrive at the crossroads, talk to Thork to finish your quest. This is a long-ish run, but completely necessary. Once that's done, hit the road north out of Taurajo. (Follow the blue dots on the map above.) Once you get there, talk to the Wind Rider Master to get the Flight path, then pick up The Barrens Oases and Journey to the Crossroads from Kirge Sternhorn. The southern barrens has mobs of a much higher level than you are right now, so stick to the roads as you head east towards Camp Taurajo. Starting at Bloodhoof, head east until you hit the border between Mulgore and The Barrens. Taurens, you will most likely be starting in Bloodhoof Village, or at least have a good idea of how to get there. It is by no means essential, but a small addon, so why not? This will help you locate things around World of Warcraft. The simplest of all the addons to offer coordinates to your map. Knowing where you're going is half the trouble with any journey in warcraft, this ought to help you out. This addon can show you a full map of an area. All it does is moves the loot window to right underneath your cursor, making it easier to loot items. This mod is so widely used, and so taken for granted for so many people, it really should have been emulated in the Blizzard UI. (This addon is no longer needed if you make use of Blizzards "loot all" option by pressing shift while looting your mob) Telo's Quickloot Why? Because of it's simple, no frills coding. This mod hasn't been updated in over a year, but it still works. It also saves it's data between sessions, so you can log out, log back in, and it'll still remember everything. It has a pause button for when you're doing other things and don't want it to track, and a reset button. Here's a short list of the ones I recommend using.Ī lovely little mod that sits on your screen and counts how much experience and money you are turning each hour. But some of them can help the process, just a little. Okay, so you don't -need- any addons to get levels. This will make life a lot easier for you later on. If you took my advice and did some Harpy grinding, you should have some Linen Cloth to auction off, which will go a long way towards your bags, and if you took s'more advice of mine and became a miner or a herbalist, you should be able to pay for 10 slot bags fairly easily. The barrens is a huge place, and we'll be making some long-ish runs. Jame's guides are very good indeed, so it makes good sense to stick to a formula that works.īefore you start, I recommend you stop by the auction house and pick up four 10 slot bags, or if you can, 12 slot bags.

Now, you may notice a striking resemblence between the guide I have written and the guides Jame has written for leveling Alliance characters from 30-60.

If you really really want to be an enchanter, go ahead, but the extra money from a gathering skill at low level is too valuable to pass up, in my opinion. And remember, trade skills can be deserted at any time. Anything you get, cart into the auction house. Trolls and Orcs should take advantage of the mountains of Copper in Durotar and become Miners, and Taurens should use their racial advantage and become Herbalists. It's also a good idea to take up a gathering skill early on. Dustwind Harpies in Durotar are good, or if you're Tauren, Windfury Harpies in Mulgore. In my opinion the quickest way to 12 is usually to follow the natural quest line until level 8, then start grinding. It is intended that you start this guide at level 12, although you can start a little earlier or a little later if you wish. The guide was designed with Orcs, Trolls and Taurens in mind, but if you are undead and feel the need to quest in the Barrens, knock yourself out. This guide was written to help new and experienced players alike find the fastest possible way through one of the largest zones in World of Warcraft, the Barrens.