
Spellbreak sensitivity converter
Spellbreak sensitivity converter

Repeat steps 1-3 until it is doing a perfect 360°.If it didn't turn far enough, press Alt+=.Press Alt+Backspace to let the script attempt to do a 360° turn.Line up your crosshair with some static object or corner/edge of the map.Once you are in the 3D world (and not in menus), you'll want to follow this process: So click the dropdown for preset yaw, and at the top there is a "Measure any game" option - click that and go into your game. If you want, you can go in game and press Alt+Backspace to verify that it does a perfect 360.Ĭase 2: If your game isn't listed in the dropdowns, then you will need to go into the game and capture your sensitivity. This is the basis of the script and how you test if it's right or not.Ĭase 1: If the game you want to copy your mouse sensitivity from is already listed in the dropdown list, then it's easy - just set the yaw to that game, then type in your sensitivity after. With this in mind, the sensitivity matcher script has a shortcut where pressing Alt+Backspace will attempt to perform a perfect 360° turn, provided you have the correct yaw and sensitivity values set. Converting sensitivity from one game to another is incredibly easy if you know the yaw values for both games: = * ÷. E.g: if you move ten pixels worth of movement with 1.5 sens in Quake, then it spins your character 10*1.5*0.022 = 0.33 degrees. The result is the number of degrees that you turn. So when you move your mouse to the side, games will take the number of pixels the mouse cursor would have moved on your desktop, then multiply that by your mouse sensitivity value, and the yaw value. Sometimes it's known or even changeable (Quake/Source engine historically has used 0.022 by default, and often you can use the m_yaw command to set it), sometimes it's hidden (Overwatch is known to be 0.0066), and sometimes it scales with the game's FOV (which is the default for Unreal Engine games, unless the developer turns the option off). The most important thing to know is that each 3D game has an internal "yaw" value that is used to translate horizontal mouse movements to turning in 3D games. I also have a few videos showing earlier stages of the app.True Gent shows some generic use cases with Apex and COD.Struth shows how to use it for Fortnite specifically.Download the latest version here! ( direct link to 1.5)

spellbreak sensitivity converter

Have you ever wanted to take your mouse sensitivity from one game and bring it to another? If so, I made a tool to help do exactly that (and more).

Spellbreak sensitivity converter