Craig: You know, that Cummings kid may be a good hospital administrator, but sometimes he can be a real hard nose. Wade: Cathy, usually people wear black to a funeral. You know, I've never seen you wear white. Ah, a wino with an EEG of two spikes, that's fun.ĭr. Cardiac arrest in the middle of REM sleep, that's fun. Fiscus: Ehrlich, sitting on concrete, holding a stick with a string dangling in the water and ducking into the woods every time a cop car passes is not fun. Samuels: Yeah, next thing you're going to want to know how to pick up girls. The bus leaves for the West Coast about nine o'clock.ĭr. Instead of teaching you anatomy, they gave you a course on home heating. Fiscus: They recalled your class at Brookline Memorial. Fiscus: Well, I guess you didn't hear then. Fiscus: It's hard to be comfortable in a room where everybody else is so stiff.ĭr. It was not too long ago the cotton you were picking wasn't from an aspirin bottle!ĭr. Nurse Skilling: My, my, the monsters our children have become! Remember your roots, Doctor Chandler. Craig: Even though I should have won last year. The work what's important, not the recognition. I'm not out to win any popularity contests. Craig: Sometimes, I fear I'm not too liked around here. Cora: And what if you're wrong? How about that, hm? Dr. And speaking for myself and the Urban Psychiatric Institute, the greatest aphrodisiac in the history of Man is high heels. Samuels claims it's a thirty to one shot at Suffolk Downs. The Marquis de Sade favored whips and chains. Fiscus: Henry Kissinger said it was power. Well, that sense of invincibility is an illusion.ĭr. You have been sheltered and protected for so long that you feel invincible.

That's why it's so easy for you to take the lives of others. Beale: You lack a good, healthy fear of life, Andrew. I'd be septicemic from the skin infections.The slightest cold could easily turn into pneumonia and finish me off in a week. With the radiation and the chemotherapy I'd have a slightly better chance, but the nausea, diarrhea, stomach cramps. Ironic, isn't it? A distinguished liver man like myself betrayed by his own liver. Auschlander: I'm 72 years old now and dying of cancer. Fiscus: Yeah, it's like Marie Antoinette talking about the inner mechanism of the guillotine.ĭr. White: We're lucky to have Auschlander around to discuss these things. Ehrlich: That's good! Women are suckers for integrity.ĭr. Fiscus: She's crazy about me! I keep telling her it's only a sexual relationship and nothing more! Dr. Beale: You know, they say that paranoids make the very best chess players because with every move, they naturally assume that their opponent is out to get them.ĭr. This is the place to be! Down's Syndrome Dr. Craig: I am sick of this hospital snidely referred to as 'St. Craig: We'll give you a few moments to think about it, notify your loved ones. If it isn't the stairs today, it'll be washing the car tomorrow, or bouncing your little boy on your knee - or, if you're lucky, when you're sleeping. Craig: You are walking a tightrope, Mr Broadwater. Broadwater: But Doctor, there must be SOMETHING. Your father died of a heart attack when he was 42. If we obstruct the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain. They carry the blood and oxygen from the heart. Craig: Let me show you something, Mr Broadwater - what does this look like to you? Mr. And the angiography - do you remember when we put the dye through the heart? Revealed obstructions. Craig: No, but when we put you on the treadmill, your electrocardiogram indicated ischemia. Broadwater: Did I have a heart attack? Dr. Craig: You didn't feel "fine" when you had those chest pains walking up a flight of stairs, now did you? Mr. Two of the major vessels to your heart, the left anterior descending artery, and the circumflex artery, are 90% obstructed. Craig: Well, I have some good news, and I have some bad.

Craig: I cut when I'm ready! Not tonight, not tomorrow, today!ĭr. Tell her I'm alive and being held captive at St. Ehrlich: Anything else I can do for you out in the free world? Dr. Word is he's infected half the staff, Wendy. Elsewhere! A dumping ground, a place you wouldn't want to send your mother-in-law!ĭr. Craig: Do you know what people call this place? Not St.

How do you ask your aunt to sleep with you?ĭr. She wants to take me out for an evening on the town. Ehrlich: What can I say, she's into grapes. Ehrlich: My Aunt Charisse is in from Forestville, California. Every time I just think of him, I get my palms sweaty.ĭr.