Plug 'reedes/vim-litecorrect' " Better autocorrections Plug 'reedes/vim-lexical' " Better spellcheck mappings Plug 'junegunn/goyo.vim' " Full screen writing mode Plug 'junegunn/limelight.vim' " Highlights only active paragraph Plug 'tpope/vim-abolish' " Fancy abbreviation replacements Plug 'reedes/vim-pencil' " Super-powered writing things This reddit post and answer has some interesting starting points to explore: The suggested folding.vim file changes that into a word count and nothing else (at a slight resource expense, most likely - especially if folds grow into 1k+ words). Just to add some clarification - the original setup provides a line count that is mostly useless to authors. Just replace your ~/.vim/plugged/vim-markdown-folding/after/ftplugin/markdown/folding.vim with this: I managed to decrease the word count overhead quite a bit somehow by copy/pasting a function from somewhere that made it only update it on every line break (at 20k words it's still painful when inserting a line break though). I just noticed that my Vim configuration is based yours that is referenced at. I turned off numbers (too technical for NaNo), added autoindent and shift width/expand tab (which I find more useful for doing sub-bullets in markdown).Ī more-efficient wordcount algorithm for writers (vithic) I made a (slightly modified) vimrc based on WurdBender's. It's there if anybody wants to see it, though it's maybe a bit cluttered and noobish. vimrc on GitHub, which I'm told is a good idea in case you need to quickly set up Vim on a new system. I wasn't sure I'd get much use out of the Airline bar, but it comes in handy. At the moment I'm liking Input Mono.īelow is what my setup looks like with some code to show off the colors. I've been using Tomorrow Night from the repository you linked, except I run in 256 color mode (set t_Co=256) to subdue the colors a bit. I noticed most of the Vim community seems to prefer the Solarized theme, but I really can't stand it myself. ViM = Vi Improved it is a superset of the original vi editor. vim does have a learning curve but it is very worthwhile to learn because your fingers never leave the keyboard as you are writing and editing. emacs wars that have existed from the time of usenet and persist till today. You may have heard of the infamous vim vs.

Vim is a very powerful modal text editor with a large system of plugins.

3.1.1 A more-efficient wordcount algorithm for writers (vithic).